Cuddly thyroid gland toyThanks to the lovely Wendy at I Heart Guts for being our friend and allowing us to share this fun plush cuddly thyroid toy!
It is lovely and soft and makes us smile, a perfect gift for anyone with thyroid issues. You can buy the toy direct from the I Heart Guts website - For 25% off the purchase price use the code: LONDONTHYROID NB: This is not a commercial partnership, just a fun offer from the company they have authorised us to share. |
T ShirtsOur new cotton T-shirts are soft and stylish with The Thyroid Trust colourful logo and strapline: "you're not alone".
Find out how to get one here. Support us pagesPlease also visit our support us pages to find more fun things like Tshirts , badges, walks, celebrating our Fantastic Fundraisers, our Butterflies Arise page and where you can sign up to Easy Fundraising and Amazon Smile, if you'd like your everyday online shopping to generate donations for the charity at no cost to you!
for everyone affected by thyroid diseaseMeetingsWe organise regular information and support meetings online and in person.
Click here for upcoming dates. We are a small independent charity. We receive no government funding and are reliant on donations for our income. Please support us.
PlEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR VITAL WORKThe donate button above takes you to a secure donation processing platform, JustGiving. Please contact us if you would prefer to make a direct bank transfer to donate via any other means, or if you are interested in volunteering.
Proud to be in a charity partnership with:
With thanks to all our supporters, including:
Correspondence ADDRESS15 Great College Street, London, SW1P 3RX
The Thyroid Trust is also known as TTT and Thyroid Friends Network,
Registered Charity Number 1183292 Registered Address: 15 GREAT COLLEGE STREET, LONDON, SW1P 3RX Copyright asserted 2019 - Our consititution and all policy documents can be viewed on request. Read our Privacy Policy updated 23/5/18, . |