Thyroid ChampionsWorld Thyroid Day is 25th May 2021 and International Thyroid Awareness Week #ITAW20 runs from then until 31st May.
We've been talking to some of our high profile thyroid friends including Michael Rosen, who has hypothyroidism and we are excited about the support that is building for this event this year! Check our our interview with Michael, as part of our new #TTT24Q series. Let's all do as much as we can to raise awareness and celebrate thyroid patients in the UK. Butterflies Arise!
There's a special motion for thyroid patients in the Scottish Parliament, thanks to outgoing MSP Elaine Smith, who has hypothyroidism and has long campaigned for her fellow patients, Thyroid Champions! Please ask your MSP to support this motion if you are in Scotland and let's all ask everyone close to us to be a Thyroid Champion themselves and get behind thyroid patients for this special week of the year! We'll have a special frame you can use as your Facebook profile picture and you can also run a Facebook fundraiser for us if you'd like to. The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland so we like to use the butterfly as an awareness raising emblem. Last year several of us undertook butterfly themed activities such as runs, and cycles, asking friends and family to support us - our Fantastic Fundraisers are definitely Thyroid Champions! Our Butterflies Arise page is a great way to get involved and show support from the comfort of home. As a new and tiny charity we need your help to make some noise! It's harder than ever for thyroid patients' issues to be heard, during these difficult times and of course, we all still want to support the NHS to focus on beating the Covid19 pandemic at the moment, first and foremost, since it's such a huge global threat.
But let's not let this date go by unmarked, it's our day, as people affected by thyroid disease. Our day to acknowledge each other and take some time to let those around us know a bit more about thyroid health issues. After all, thyroid disease can often run in families. How much do our loved ones know about thyroid conditions, what to look out for in case they start to become ill and they can best support you, or any of their friends or other family members who may become unwell with thyroid disease. If you're well, celebrate! It's inspiring for anyone newly diagnosed to know that people with thyroid disease can usually live a full and active life, once their condition is well managed. Most people with a thyroid condition can be relatively easily treated. But we know that around 10% of patients, perhaps many more, have a very difficult time with their condition and that in some cases it can be hard to access effective treatment, for lots of reasons, all of which we're determined to address, to make things better over time. If you're one of those people who is currently suffering with a thyroid condition, please know that you're not alone. Reach out. Be informed, ask for help and share your story, so that we can help inform clinicians, researchers and policy makers of the issues that need to be raised.
Information Eventwith Dr Peter Taylor
for International Thyroid Awareness Week. 28th May 2pm - 3:30pm This event will take place online. Dr Pete Taylor will give a talk and answer questions on a new study into thyroid hormone treatment and cholesterol Please book your FREE place via Eventbrite, Donations are welcome but entirely optional. Butterflies AriseWe have set up a lovely webpage with a field of beautiful butterflies to inspire us all to feel less alone and leave messages and donations of support for International Thyroid Awareness Week and World Thyroid Day - have a look and perhaps you'd like to add yourself to the page and read the messages from other thyroid friends.
Fahmidan Journal A very special issue of Fahmidan Journal is being published on World Thyroid Day, with poems, prose and opinion pieces from thyroid patients. Perhaps if you're holding a picnic you might like to give it a poetry theme and read some of the submissions together - particularly if you've sent something in. We can't wait to read this and hope it will be widely shared and go some way to building understanding of how it is to live with a thyroid condition.
UK Health RadioListen to the Chris Grimes show on 11th May and check out the May issue of the magazine! Thanks to Chris and everyone at the station for supporting World Thyroid Day and International Thyroid Awareness Week and being Thyroid Champions!
for everyone affected by thyroid diseaseMeetingsWe organise regular information and support meetings online and in person.
Click here for upcoming dates. We are a small independent charity. We receive no government funding and are reliant on donations for our income. Please support us.
PlEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR VITAL WORKThe donate button above takes you to a secure donation processing platform, JustGiving. Please contact us if you would prefer to make a direct bank transfer to donate via any other means, or if you are interested in volunteering.
Proud to be in a charity partnership with:
With thanks to all our supporters, including:
Correspondence ADDRESS15 Great College Street, London, SW1P 3RX
The Thyroid Trust is also known as TTT and Thyroid Friends Network,
Registered Charity Number 1183292 Registered Address: 15 GREAT COLLEGE STREET, LONDON, SW1P 3RX Copyright asserted 2019 - Our consititution and all policy documents can be viewed on request. Read our Privacy Policy updated 23/5/18, . |