On 25th May, World Thyroid Day, 12-1pm BST, we are holding our very first tweet chat, using the hashtag #ThyroidTrustChat. A tweet chat is an opportunity to have an open discussion on Twitter at a set time around a series of questions put by the hosts. Everyone is welcome to join in, patients, friends, family and healthcare professionals alike. Our chat will be about thyroid disease, awareness raising and key issues that patients and physicians want to talk about. How does it work?See the above slide show, kindly prepared for us by Alexandra Fulford, for guidance on how to participate, if you haven't taken part in a tweetchat before. If you're going to join us, please also read and follow our Ground Rules code of practice - which were developed for our offline events but will apply to this discussion too. Most importantly of all, let's all be nice to each other and don't attempt to push solutions on to anyone else or give anyone medical advice in the tweet chat, even if you are a doctor! What works for one person may not work for someone else, we are all individuals and need to be treated as such by licensed healthcare providers, in a healthcare setting, not on social media! A few of our thyroid friends who have already said they definitely plan to attend include: Dr Georgina Conway, who is a GP and Thyroid Specialist and also a thyroid patient herself, who runs The Thyroid Clinic and Dr Catherine Millington Sanders who is one of the GPs on ITV's Loose Women. We anticipate more physicians will also want to take part and we're starting to tell people about it now. Those doctors who are able to let us know in advance that they plan to be there we will endeavour to add their names on this post. If you'd like to flag up that you'll be taking part you are very welcome to add your name, by posting a comment below. Our dear thyroid friend Alexandra Fulford, who is a thyroid patient and healthcare digital media expert, suggested we do this tweet chat for World Thyroid Day and will be helping to moderate and host the chat on the day. Her twitter handle is @pharmaguapa. Find out what else is going on for World Thyroid Day and International Thyroid Awareness Day on our dedicated web page. https://www.thyroidtrust.org/international-thyroid-awareness-week-2021.html #WorldThyroid Day #ITAW21 (Please note this blog is moderated and any inappropriate comments will be removed swiftly) . 14/4/2023 10:45:24 am
Hypothyroidism results from an underactive thyroid gland, which does not produce enough thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, due mainly to autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Also, some drugs, radiation treatments, and thyroid surgeries can cause hypothyroidism. Additionally, it is a major disease that affects women's health globally. Central BioHub offers thousands of well characterized hypothyroidism samples ideal for R&D.Explore our inventory to place orders. Comments are closed.
Thyroid FriendsThis blog is by members of Thyroid Trust Friends Network who have signed up to our Ground Rules and blogging guidelines. Please get in touch if you'd like to write something for possible publication on our site. Archives
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